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I discovered Mama Cax through a podcast. She talked about all the amazing things she was doing despite her disability. Of course I had to stalk her Insta right after and was blown away by both her stunning feed, amazing style, and those drop dead gorgeous looks! She had grown quite a large following of over k people who just adore all she's doing in the fashion and female empowerment world.
This gal survived cancer at a young age and lost one of her legs but she did not let that stop her from fulfilling her dreams.
Mama Cax is a shining example of strength, elegance, and bold self expression. Through all this she has become a well known spokesperson for the intersectional feminist movement. It was a long shot, but I figured I should reach out to see if she was interested in being featured on our Boss Blog.
I was honored she took the time out of her busy schedule to stop by Biz Babez and shoot with me. We made the arrangements to shoot about a month in advance and I was anxiously awaiting for the day to arrive.