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Several older people from urban middle-class households whom I have interviewed in Kolkata, an eastern metropolitan city of India, expressed a desire to not shift to a care home because they felt living amidst other older people would make them more depressed. Are such care homes still anathema in the Indian context? Older people in India conventionally have been looked after by their adult children.
It is a different matter that in contemporary times, cases of abuse, neglect, and misappropriation of property by adult children have been documented. Yet, filial piety continues to remain the predominant theme in law and policy.
Indian films also portray the ideal son and daughter as the one who lives with their parents in late life and takes care of every need. A widow I met during my fieldwork shared that she found her freedom after the demise of her spouse and eventual relocation to the home. At the home, she participates in different activities. NGOs non-governmental organisations provide recreation facilities for older residents in several care homes I visited. One of the common observations from many homes was that young schoolchildren often visited the homes to interact with them and many older people enjoyed those sessions.
In the physical absence of kin, intergenerational solidarity is evolving in diverse ways in India. Globalisation has brought with it more opportunities for work. Many adult children pursue their dream careers abroad and settle down there. Sometimes, older people encourage their children to live in faraway locations against the norm of co-residence. With the remittances sent by children, older people meet their medical needs or get repairs done at home.