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Home Issues Fattening Up in Fourteenth-Centur Over the past several decades, the problem of obesity has attracted overwhelming attention in the popular and scholarly press. Partially in reaction to the medical conceptualisation of healthy body weight as a biological universal, scholars have directed increasing attention to the historical and cultural specificity of the social meanings of fat. I thank the reader of this paper, Prof.
Julien Loiseau, for his incisive and helpful comments; all remaining shortcomings are my own. A shorter version was presented at the First Annual Mamluk Studies Conference, Venice, June , ; I thank my fellow participants for their comments in conversations there. Partially in reaction to the medical conceptualization of healthy body weight as a biological universal, scholars have directed increasing attention to the historical and cultural specificity of the social meanings of fat.
Cultural anthropologists have explored the multiple valences of fat within different societies and sub-cultures, showing how fatness can be associated with a variety of values including prosperity, sexuality, and social connectedness.
Historians have demonstrated that contemporary Western attitudes towards fat which emphasize its incompatibility with the ideals of self-discipline, productivity and progress are uniquely modern. They have also explored the evolving relationship between the cultural meanings of fatness and gender. Although the factual information provided is fragmentary and polemical, it can contribute to the reconstruction of an episode in the history of the care and manipulation of the body.