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Please make sure you read this important notification. These are the reasons that I don't feel the need to have more children, and I am happy being a parent to a single child. But I swallow and smile. Why are we obsessed with having more than one offspring? So that, the kid will have a companion growing up, growing old. The more kids you have, the better options you have to be taken care of in old age.
To continue your lineage. And you just have to have more kids. So below are the reasons that stand strong and enough for me to remain a parent to a single child:. And I can proudly say this is not mychoice but ourchoice. Liked this post? I am an egalitarian and strive to see it around me as much as possible. I am an avid reader, a passionate writer and an ardent fan of English language. I like to observe things read more Women's Web is an open platform that publishes a diversity of views, individual posts do not necessarily represent the platform's views and opinions at all times.
All partnership opportunities Instagram LinkedIN. Monica Yelkur. Tags: empowerment girl child parenting. Never miss real stories from India's women. Register Now. About the Author. Monica Yelkur I am an egalitarian and strive to see it around me as much as possible. View all. Here's Why I Am Not! Because Moms Are People Too! Disclaimer Women's Web is an open platform that publishes a diversity of views, individual posts do not necessarily represent the platform's views and opinions at all times.
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