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This is the weekly visible open thread. Post about anything you want, ask random questions, whatever. ACX has an unofficial subreddit , Discord , and bulletin board , and in-person meetups around the world.
Meetups Czar Skyler and lots of other great people will still be there, so have fun without me! Register here min! You can look over our previously used questions , check out our FAQ for more details, and always feel free to reach out!
Quintin Pope has some good on X, including a debate with Liron Shapira and this explanation of where he parts ways with older AI safety paradigms. I do want to correct one paragraph, though:. The Rationalist revival has put wind into the sails of start-ups like Manifold Markets, which was initially funded by a grant program run by Astral Codex Ten, a Rationalist blog that has promoted prediction markets.
Some people who read the article said they understood it this way and thought I took FTX money. The article meant to say that Manifold did. I appreciate NYT moving from its previous policy of blatant and deliberate falsehoods about me , to a newer, kinder policy of accidental and ambiguous falsehoods about me.