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The dirndl is regarded as a folk costume German : Tracht. It developed as the clothing of Alpine peasants between the 16th and 18th centuries. The usual masculine tracht counterpart of the dirndl is lederhosen. In the late 19th century the dirndl was adapted by the upper and middle classes as a fashion mode, and subsequently spread as a mode outside its area of origin. There are many varieties of adaptations from the original folk designs.
Dirndl is a diminutive of Dirn e. Although in current Standard German usage Dirne now generally signifies "prostitute", the word originally meant only "young woman". The dress can for clarity be called Dirndlkleid literally 'young woman's dress' or Dirndlgewand 'young woman's clothing'. Dirndl is the form of the word in Standard German. Speakers of German have conflicting opinions as to whether the name "dirndl" can be used for traditional as well as modern designs. Some speakers make a sharp break between traditional folk costume tracht and the "dirndl", a word which they use only for modern designs.
For instance, tracht scholar Thekla Weissengruber distinguishes between renewed tracht based closely upon historical designs and Trachtenbekleidung tracht clothing , including dirndls and lederhosen. She says: "In this category the designs in general keep to patterns which go back to the historical costume models; only the materials, skirt lengths and colour compositions change from season to season and correspond to the trends coming from centres of fashion.
However, many other German-speakers use the terms "dirndl" and "tracht" interchangeably for a woman's dress in the general dirndl style, regardless of whether the design is traditional or modern.