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This website requires Javascript for some parts to function properly. Your experience may vary. Explore the USA and Canada by road trip. There have been so many movies about the wide open spaces and the incredible scenery that both the USA and Canada offer. Self-catering saves so much money as you won't be stopping off for coffee, snacks, or restaurant meals. Fuel is also less expensive than in other parts of the world.
Keeping hydrated during the summer months is easier with full tanks of drinking water that is even chilled in the on board fridge. Renting a camper is cheaper than renting a car and staying in motels and it's more comfortable and less hassle than staying in a tent. Having your home on wheels lets you experience van life firsthand. You will meet the locals and experience American culture. Changing your mind and staying longer than you planned or moving on earlier than expected is the freedom that comes with living in a van.
Take the basics and wash your clothes as you travel. Keep warm with layers and cool with shorts and t-shirts. Take walking boots and sunscreen for the summer. Keep everything tidy and travel with soft collapsible bags and not suitcases so you can pack them away easily. Include the basics for personal hygiene and rent or buy the extras. Take some smart casual clothes for an evening out. But don't go overboard as camping is a simple life.
If you plan to take photos plan to upload them to the cloud or onto a portable hard drive as you go. You can rent a mobile hotspot in your rental RV. There are also internet hot spots in towns and cities. Make sure you take security seriously and log in and out of your email, cloud etc as you use these services. Be careful when using a credit card online.