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Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Speakers' Corner is an area of London's Hyde Park, close to Marble Arch, which is the site of the notorious Tyburn, place of public hangings. What was once a place of blood sacrifice and a symbol of oppression is now, ironically, a shrine to freedom of speech. For at Speakers' Corner, men and women of all manner of backgrounds and interests declaim from soapboxes to passing crowds.
It is a place where, by convention, every point of view, however, eccentric or unpopular, is freely expressed. I recall that on a visit to Speakers' Corner as a schoolboy, I found amongst the assorted anarchists, vegans and religious sectaries an Indian gentleman with an acerbic wit and bitter anger against an unwelcoming Britain.
When one man in the crowd revealed that he came from Liechtenstein, the Indian dismissed him with: "Oh, that tiny dot in the middle of Europe". The crowd roared with laughter. The story of Liechtenstein is that of evolution from backward agrarian province buffeted by powerful neighbours to wealthy principality, financial and high-tech centre and active member of the Council of Europe, European Economic Area and United Nations.
It should convince any reader that "tiny dots in the middle of Europe" or anywhere else for that matter are not to be sneered at. However, there is a curious sense in which Liechtenstein's development mirrors that of Speakers' Corner. The small, landlocked state also has a bloody history of invasion, feuds, executions and witch hunts. It is only in the last two hundred, and especially the last fifty, years that Liechtenstein has become a secure modern democracy underpinned by powerful local traditions.