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From vintage Wes Anderson to a John Hughes classic via a wife-swapping drama in between, this list isn't your typical "most stylish" curation, but then it hasn't been your most typical year, so we're open to curve balls right now The Coen Brothers loosely based Fargo on a true story, which makes the plot even more chilling than it at first seems.
Given that it's set in Minnesota which the Coen's called "Siberia with family restaurants" , the style is all about the outerwear filming took place in the winter of , when the region was experiencing its second-warmest winter in years, so a lot of the snow was actually artificial.
Steve Buscemi steals the show as small-time criminal Carl Showalter in a Del Boy-esque shearling coat that he pairs with a rotation of various coloured fine-gauge roll-neck sweaters and high-waisted corduroy trousers. Not your typical bad-guy setup but then Showalter is not your typical bad guy. That moniker goes to his virtually mute sidekick, Gaear Grimsrud played by Peter Stormare who plays the part with a rather threatening floor-length leather coat that he pairs with an ungodly v-neck jumper.
Carl Showalter for the win. Hoffman referenced the spaghetti westerns when putting together the wardrobe for this film in which eight strangers seek refuge from a blizzard. Central to this group is John "The Hangman" Ruth, played by a vintage Kurt Russell whose pinstripe 3-piece suit worn beneath what can only be described as a buffalo with sleeves, is every bit the sartorial masterpiece. But with all that said, the suit and the coat just wouldn't quite be framed in the same rough and ready way without the edition of Ruth's grandad collar shirt, which turns the whole ensemble from tailored to slightly terrifying.