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The stomach should be rounded after feeding, but still soft, like a half-filled water balloon. It should deflate before the next feeding. If stomach feels hard or does not deflate, skip a feeding, hydrate, and decrease the amount of formula at each feeding or increase the amount of time between feedings. Stimulate to potty. Dipping the baby in warm water up to his armpits and gentle massage can also help.
A few drops of Gas-X also helps. See pics below:. Clicking aspiration pneumonia. If formula comes out baby's nose, he may have inhaled some, causing aspiration pneumonia. Symptoms are loss of appetite, lethargy, and a clicking noise when the baby breathes. The clicking is with each breath, in and out. This must be treated immediately with antibiotics or the baby will die.
It can take a day or so for the baby to start pooping after starting formula. If constipation persists, it could mean the baby is still dehydrated. In that case, give him warm apple juice in a syringe between feedings.
If no results within 12 hours, give a little prune juice. Bathe the baby in very warm water, gently massage the belly and anal area while in the water. Can be caused by overfeeding, too frequent feeding, wrong formula, or parasites. If diarrhea is watery, stop feeding formula for a couple of feedings and hydrate instead. It may help to switch to the Homemade Goat Milk Formula.