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Return to Factbooks and National Information. The NS forum topbar could not be displayed. P sure Noika and whatever are battalion level weapons. Bash the fash, neopup the neo-cons, crotale the commies, and super entendard socialists. Heck are they even used in the West? It seems to me that their job can be just as easily done by a regular mortar and a howitzer. Not really seeing the need for the weird hybrid.
Kazarogkai wrote : Purpelia wrote : Except they do. Even your images show that they do. The thing you are referring to is a gun-mortar. As in half gun half mortar. And they can fire both horizontally and vertically. What makes these weapons useful is that they can fire both as guns for direct fire support and mortars for indirect fire support making them versatile and fun weapons to have around. Which is why modern armies like to stick them on wheeled or tracked death trucks.
As to your question it is a two part one that needs to be addressed separately. Are gun-mortars still used today? Are towed variants of them still used today and why? I'll leave this to the others. Last harmonized by Hu Jintao on Sat Mar 4, pm, harmonized 8 times in total. Kazarogkai wrote : I've looked up those things, wondered whether or not I could downsize it to say a 2 in variety that was light enough to be used at say the platoon or at the very least the company level.
It is our job to see that it stays there. Pretty sure mortars shoot up. Purpelia Post Czar Posts: Founded: Oct 19, Ex-Nation by Purpelia » Wed Jul 26, pm Kazarogkai wrote : I've looked up those things, wondered whether or not I could downsize it to say a 2 in variety that was light enough to be used at say the platoon or at the very least the company level.