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Use the filters below to display relevant tips as well as detailed fees and receiving centre information. Check if you are eligible to apply for this visa and what supporting documents and information you need to provide.
Acceptable photos. You may provide your original passport, or a certified copy when you submit your application. If you provide a certified copy we may request your original passport to complete your application.
If you are a citizen of China and you submit a paper application form in China, you must also complete a supplementary form. If you are submitting a paper application form, you must provide a supplementary form for Hong Kong and Macao visitors, workers and students. We may ask you to have a chest X-ray, a medical examination or both as proof of your good health. Who needs an X-ray or medical examination. When we process your application we let you know if we need you to have a chest x-ray or medical examination.
Acceptable standard of health criteria for visa approvals. Provide medical certificates if requested. You must provide a chest x-ray completed in the last 3 months, even if you've provided one to us previously, if:. If you have a criminal conviction or are a security risk to New Zealand we may not be able to grant you a visa. Good character for temporary visas. You must provide police certificates if your total time in New Zealand will be 24 months or longer across all visits.