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To browse Academia. Institut za arheologiju, Zagreb. Adela Kovacs. The total area covered by geophysical research is 8. In low-density areas, such as the eastern part of the site, some structures have been observed, which could be unburned. The plan resulting from magnetometric and geo-physical research shows that, unlike other contemporary sites, there is no clearly delimited spatial arrangement inside. The fortification system is only visible in some places, so it is difficult to decide on a precise route without conducting intrusive archaeological research.
Ilija Mikic. Cezary Sobczak. Journal Archaeology and Science. Oleh Pohorilets. Houchang Chehabi. Yudi Amrul. Tedi Md. Iris de Benito Mesa. Raghudeep Bathula. Lupu Anghel. Leap-Han Loo. Dani Marendianto. Muhammad Ryan Suhendra.
Sorin Cocis. Ananda B Bhavanani. Sergey Abashin. Manuela Falco. Manoj kumar Joshi. Humberto Samaritano. Necla Ozturk. Richard Formato. Adriaan van Klinken. Abeera Shahid. Anna Bogdanova. Franco Pissani. Braxton Hill. Silvia Rodrigues Machado. Mahmoud Mansour. Cong Bach Thanh. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.
Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Ernestas Vasiliauskas. Related Papers. Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, Vol. Volume 6 6. Turgaus a. Dvaro g. XVII a. XVIII a. XVI a. The 3rd Millennium BC—the 4th C. The 2nd Half of the 17th C. The 17th—19th C. The Late 18th C.