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To browse Academia. One key thing is that not just anyone could write for the public during those times, under penalty of death. Extremely tight control of all being written at the time was essential to the ruling class, those of royal blood, who had lived within a relatively small royal society of their own and also while writing, preserving important information by use of their own unique language, both using all known languages of the time, and of using that 'royal language' within the surface language that they were using e.
Latin, Greek, etc. Arrius Piso was the main creator of Christianity, and main author of the canon gospels. He was also aka Flavius Josephus. See other research material for more information. Anna Mambelli. Anne-Catherine Baudoin. The tradition of such a report is alluded to by various early Christian writers.
A thorough search for and investigation of its Greek manuscript witnesses has shed new light on certain aspects of its history, and especially on its origin and transmission. This lexical study enhances previous attempts to date the text in relation to specific places of worship mentionned in the Report of Pilate.
An appendix offers a list of manuscripts organised in families and subfamilies. Ian J Elmer. Roman Piso. This paper is of a historic and genealogical nature. It is one piece of a gigantic puzzle of ancient history. My work, which includes this paper, was written to lay the groundwork for a new awakening in terms of the study of history, in that it shows by example what may be discovered when history is examined as literature and by following certain specific rules which apply only when history has been done in an entirely different context than has been previously thought.