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Remember me. Features news stories about National Guard Airmen and Soldiers serving around the world. Air Force Master Sgt. Mike R.
Smith explains how to use the proofreading and copy edit symbols for editing articles, March 3, , at the I. Video by Master Sgt. Erik Gallion. A review highlighting some of the Air National Guard I. Brown Training and Education Center's accomplishments during the past year. Sometimes life can knock you down, but there are things you can do to practice being resilient. See what Master Sergeant Gallion does to practice resiliency. See what Staff Sergeant Cannon does to practice resiliency.
Honoring the Air National Guard's top performers, the OAY event highlights their accomplishments and showcases the best of the best of the enlisted corps. Treven Cannon. Erik Gallion provides helpful tips on how to deliver messages to a camera using a teleprompter.
Incoming Commander, U. Air Force Col. Jen Kondal, assumed command of the I. Kenneth Lozano relinquished command during a virtual ceremony, Feb. Air Force Brig Gen. Michael T. Chalanda Roberts, a public affairs specialist with the I. Air Force video by Staff Sgt. Andrea Posey. The I. Brown Training and Education Center met the challenges of head on while still accomplishing its mission of training and educating today's Airmen for tomorrow's flight.