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Vilnius Sex Guide advises where to find sex , working girls , prostitution , street hookers , brothels , red-light districts , sex shops , prostitutes , erotic massage parlors , strip clubs and escorts in Vilnius , Lithuania. Vilnius also known under its Polish and Yiddish name, Wilno and its German name, Wilna is the capital and largest city of Lithuania. It lies on the bank of Neris river and has approximately , inhabitants. Prostitution in Lithuania is illegal , but it is common.
Any well worn international traveler knows that taxi drivers working the night shift, will have a good knowledge of what's happening the city's night life, both officially and what's more hidden e. All drivers working where there are tourists and major Hotels will help you in this way. Due to the very liberal taxi licensing laws in Lithuania, there is a huge number of taxi's plying their trade in a city with limited money supply and clients, and some drivers are downright poor, consequently the drivers have to be more resourceful in finding other income avenues!
For example They will try to persuade you to go to the strip clubs, - they get a commission. If you ask about getting a prostitute , many will already have a list available in their pocket or cell phone. But the quality varies a lot. The clever taxi drivers, will have a few semi pros available, whom they have convinced to turn a 'trick' now and then, while driving them home previously, - If she agrees, from that moment on, the taxi driver will act as her agent and guarantee re-assuring the girl that the guy is clean, gentle, handsome etc.
Of course, the price will be to Euro, but sometimes the quality in service and looks of these girls, can be fabulous. It's well worth to try out these taxi drivers, but expect anything - from down right scams to the most heavenly woman!