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Mexico has the highest formula sales in the continent Mexico is one of the most important markets in Latin America. The special baby milk formula segment is much larger than both the Latin American average and the global average. More women are entering the workforce There has been an increase in numbers of women entering the Latin American workforce. These gains in female participation in the labour force are larger than in any other region since And for these women to be able to make the best choices about how they feed their babies, it is important that they have access to high quality infant formula.
The Mexican middle class also grew rapidly over this period — in it totalled There is increasing emphasis on quality The growth of an educated middle class will mean a greater emphasis on not just quality, but also nutritional value. At Advanced Lipids, we offer manufacturers a way to meet that need. Results from the clinical study show that infants fed with formula containing sn 2 palmitate have softer stools, better fat and calcium absorption, better bone matrix parameters, healthier gut bacteria, less crying and longer sleep duration than those fed on standard formula.
In Latin America, as in other global markets, the most successful formula manufacturers will be those who best adapt to growing demand for quality, and come as close as possible to offering the benefits of breast milk. Novta, N et al. Our website contains material and information intended for B2B customers, suppliers and distributors, and is not intended as information to the final consumers. Regulatory bodies around the world have differing parameters regarding product claims.
In developing claims for a food, beverage or supplement product label, manufactures should seek guidance to assure compliance with the appropriate regulatory authority. If you choose to use this website and view this material, you accept the terms. We also use cookies - to learn more about our cookies read here. Another step towards the gold standard ». Contact us Follow us.