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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the copyright owner. Germany 2. Liechtenstein 3. Czech Republic 4. Austria 5. Slovakia 6. Hungary 7. Slovenia 8. Croatia 9. Serbia Montenegro Kosovo disputed San Marino Z agros Mts.
Netherlands Antilles Neth. Vancouver I. Kodiak I. Unalaska I. Nunivak I. Lawrence I. Attu I. Rat Is Umnak I. On July 9, , a massive landslide dropped 40 million cubic yards Melville Island Prince of Wales I. Somerset Island Southampton I. Despite an area of , sq miles 2,, sq km , the northerly province of Nunavut has only miles km of roads and highway. Seul L. Mistassini L. Nunavut Belcher Is.
Nunavut Southampton I. Coats I. Salisbury I. Nottingham I. Mansel I. The Trans-Canada Highway, running from St. Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world, covering an area of 31, sq miles 82, sq km. Lawrence Gulf of St. Nunavut Baffin I. Today, this would buy around 50 sq in sq cm of prime New York City real estate. The Pentagon building in Arlington, Virginia, contains nearly , miles , km of telephone cable, enough to go around the circumference of the Earth almost four times.
R o ckyMountain s Fort Peck L. Sakakawea Great Salt Lake L. Derived from a single tree, it contains over 47, stems and weighs over tons tonnes. At 20, ft m , or almost 4 miles 6 km in length, the Fort Peck Dam is the largest earthfilled hydraulic dam in the United States. The deadliest tornado in US history struck Missouri on March 18, Leaving a continuous mile km track, the tornado crossed three states and killed people.