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The small Montenegrin Army, which lias now been driven from its country, was able, during IT months, to render valuable assistance to the Servians. At the outbreak of the war Austria directed her attack on the north-western corner of Sorvirt from the Save and flic lower Drina. The invasion was defeated by the Servian victory in the Vardar Valley and about Shabataz. Then, in October, , Austria, assembled forces about ;i 00, strong on the Save front on the nortli and the Drina front on the west, the latter embracing the northern part of the Montenegrin frontier about i'otclia.
The successful operations on the line of the Kolubara, which culminated in Hie total defeat of the Austrian invasion, were made possible by the support rendered by the -Montenegrin Army to tiie Servian left flank. The same principle applies to the position of - Montenegro in relation to tiie, recent invasion of Servia. The Montenegrin Army, though at the most not more than 50, strong, probably saved the Servians from being enveloped on the west and cut off from the lines of retreat into Albania.
Sir George Buchanan said; "Our fleet has rendered tiie Allies services which it is impossible to exaggerate, and tiie command of the sea which the British Navy has secured will prove, if I am not making a mistake, a deciding factor in the war. In the European wars of the Eighteenth Century we supported our Allies with our fleet and subsidised a small number of troops.
Now we have raised in addition an army that will soon number , AVe have had to transport to various theatres of war one million and a half men; wo have assisted our Allies with transports and munitions, and have sent submarines to co-operate witii the gallant Russian Navy in the Baltic.