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This chapter discusses developments which have taken place, more or less independently, outside the research traditions treated in the earlier chapters. First, attention is paid to research in some disciplines and research programs that connect with argumentation theory and may even have some overlap with it. In Sect. The next chapters concentrate on developments in argumentation research that have taken place in non-Anglophone parts of the world, in which research results are often published in other languages than English.
Concentrating on contributions which have not yet been discussed in other chapters, in Sect. The study of argumentation in French-speaking areas is discussed in Sect. The next areas focused on are Eastern Europe, in Sect. Section Next, in Sect. The chapter concludes with an overview of the study of argumentation in Japan in Sect. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access.
Institutional subscriptions. A critical evaluation of critical discourse analysis is given by Widdowson According to Ihnen and Richardson, by providing a theoretical and systematic grounding to interpretive claims, pragma-dialectics can prevent charges against critical discourse analysis of interpretive bias , p. Another difference is that in critical discourse analysis, the notion of argument scheme often referred to as topos usually has a more specific scope than the highly general argument schemes in argumentation theories such as pragma-dialectics.
In pragma-dialectics, reasonableness and acceptability judgments pertain exclusively to the role that discursive elements play in resolving a difference of opinion on the merits, whereas in critical discourse analysis, they ultimately pertain to their role in the re- creation of relations of inequality and disempowerment.