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Follicles are not oocytes eggs. Many patients confuse these terms, believing that follicle equals oocyte. The female gamete is the egg , and the male gamete is the sperm. These are the cells involved in embryos obtained after fertilization. The follicle is a functional anatomical structure which forms part of the ovary and the egg is the cell that will mature in a microscopic part of inner wall of a follicle over spontaneous or stimulated ovarian cycle in normal conditions.
Furthermore, the follicle contains other cell types which produce oestrogen required for normal development of the egg maturation. The endowment of eggs is determined in the first weeks of life of the female embryo. From menarche first menstruation they will select, in each cycle an egg. Higher quality eggs are the first to be selected as with the passage of time, the eggs of the successive cycles have inferior quality.
This explains why older women have more difficulty getting pregnant and have higher miscarriages rate. Within the study of female fertility it is essential to know what your ovarian reserve is.
Currently is still counting ovarian follicles, the truest estimate of ovarian reserve in a given patient. This reserve is expressed in number of follicles per ovary observed in the first days of the cycle 2nd to 5th by performing a vaginal ultrasound. Ultrasound also allows us to follow the evolution and growth of follicles both in spontaneous cycle as in a stimulated cycle fertility treatment. Depending on the number of antral follicles, a woman is considered to have adequate or normal ovarian reserve if the count is Low ovarian reserve , if the count is less than 6 ovarian reserve and high ovarian reserve if is greater than Follicular size in this cycle phase is 2 to 10 mm.