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Sample translated sentence: Thank you. Less frequent translations. Show algorithmically generated translations. Glosbe Translate. Google Translate. Images with "pussy". Phrases similar to "pussy" with translations into Macedonian pussy eating. Add example Add Translations of "pussy" into Macedonian in sentences, translation memory. Declension Stem. Thank you.
You pussies owe me, big time. The " pussy in the house " - theory. Red Bull's for pussies. You're half machine, half pussy. Nah if you're right, we're gonna look like the biggest bunch of pussies in New York. It's all that money and pussy. Not King of the No-ball Pussy Losers. I mean, Brutus is a pussy. No pussy for you. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. What is the " pussy on a pedestal " thing? Whether you're gonna walk like a man or cry like a pussy on your way to the death house.
Pussies don't like dicks because pussies get fucked by dicks. Stop being such a pussy , man. Because as far as I can tell, everyone you've been with has grown tired of fucking you and wandered off into the tits and pussy of someone else. They gonna pussy out. And if they do, we gonna have a big problem on our hands. And our fearless leader hasn't even come out of his pussy room yet! My pussy will always be there for you.
Think it's gonna take more than a little porn pussy to scare away Tara. Then, there is the feminist punk band Pussy Riot [ru], who has been engaging in flash gigs all over Moscow in the recent months, including a performance on the Red Square after which they were detained by the police :. I mean her pussy was like heroin to me. Tara's not pussy.