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To browse Academia. During excavations in the cemetery of the town of Noviomagus in Nijmegen-west archaeologists of the Radboud University of Nijmegen discovered the remains of a series of monumental burial complexes comprising walled enclosures and funerary monuments, and associated rich burials dating from the end of the 1st century AD.
The aim of this publication is to establish whether these burials show influences from the Roman world and have cultural and religious connections with the Mediterranean, or whether they reflect indigenous traditions. Closely linked to this are questions concerning the status and ethnic background of the buried persons, for which the burial ritual, funerary customs and grave goods may provide clues.
The high economic and social status of this group and its cultural and political alliance with Rome and the imperial family are evident from the monumental burial complexes and certain grave goods. Many of the grave goods are quite extraordinary, such as glass urns, sets of dining and drinking ware, glass vessels, toilet implements, writing utensils, lamps, a folding chair, jewellery, amulets of amber and rock crystal, weapons and pieces of textile adorned with gold thread.
Such grave goods were totally or almost totally absent in the rest of the cemetery. Some of the burial traditions practised here tell us that the people who were buried in these graves were not Roman by birth.