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Welch had a very enjoyable and informative trip…. Highlighted Stages of the Adventure. Preamble…A visit to the Alamo. On the way, again, to Mexico City. On the Camino Sinuoso. A Visit to Puebla. A Trip to San Juan Teotihuacan. On to Acapulco. Ciudad Bravos. Heading Home from this City of 13, Preamble … a visit to the Alamo. It may be wise to mention this part of the United States, which is so closely connected with Mexico, for here we noticed many people of Mexican blood upon the streets; Mexican cafes; patio saloons, palms and semi-tropical flowers and other strange vegetation which apparently flourish along this northern fringe of the low, hot countries to the southward; sounds of Spanish tongue; a lively little river, walled and bridged, flowing through the city; grilled windows and buildings of an age which seemed to be very hoary, to us from the north country of Dakota.
The Mecca of all visitors to San Antonio is the Alamo, now maintained as a museum, by the state government. This structure was erected in and was one mission of the several established by the Franciscan Monks, among the tribes of Indians of that region. It is a rambling, low structure, of adobe, with the inevitable arches and patios. When the scattered inhabitants seceded from the Spanish Government and rule in Mexico, the Texans established themselves here as an independent state.
Here on March 6th, , they were besieged by General Santa Anna, and after terrific fighting, the garrison of Texans, under command of Col. William B. Travis, fell to the Mexicans, and brave Texans were slaughtered almost to a man. When the fight to the death became inevitable, Col. Travis drew a line upon the floor with the point of his sword and invited those men, who would fight to the end, to step across.
At this dramatic moment, every man stepped across except one, a man named Ross, who stated that he believed that he could escape and bring relief. He did escape from the besieged fort, but what happened to him I am unable to state, but we do know that no relief appeared and that the last of the defending party was slain in the small room just to the right of the main entrance doors. One woman and her child were permitted to live by Santa Anna, and were sent by him to the Texas authorities to inform them of the fate of the Texans.