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Yahoo RSS Feed. Tour Log August Tour Log July Tour Log June Tour Log May Tour Log April Tour Log March Tour Log February Tour Log January Raggin' Piano Boogie. November 27, February 20, Use the links to the left to read a past Month or Year A new Carburetor is needed.
Contribute Or email me for snail mail. I have loved it here and there is so much I have not been able to explore. It is rare for me to find a place that will hold my interest. This city is one of those rare finds. I went to the market this morning and it was amazing. I had to run home and get the truck. The energy was alive and full of variety. I pulled right up to the end of a street corner and Cor was with me to take pictures. When I had enough he drove me through the streets while I played.
There were many thumbs up signs. We drove to the Cathedral park where they were setting up for the Palm Sunday festivities on the church steps. All the tents were covered with Coca Cola signs so I suppose they are the sponsors for this Palm Sundays church festivity. After that, spot I dropped off Cor and went to the cliffs for some sight seeing but could not resist parking the truck to play.
High above the ocean I was able to experience the feel I get from watching strong waves flow and splash onto huge rock formations. I was very aware of the emotional push and pull of the water and had a new musical experience with that. March 30, Mazatlan, Sinaloa Mexico I spent most of today creating emails. I want to spend some time before I leave enjoying this city as it has so much to offer.