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To browse Academia. Derek Sikes. Malcolm McCallum. Jean-Marc Hero. Malcolm McCallum , Stan Trauth. We examined brooding postures and nest site fidelity in a nesting aggregation of western slimy salamanders Plethodon albagula from an abandoned mine shaft located in the Ouachita National Forest of southwestern Arkansas.
From November —December , we collected a photographic record of brooding and nesting behavior. Females oviposit a free-hanging, grape-like egg cluster within relatively dry nest perches along the walls of the mine shaft. We recorded six female brooding postures from observations involving egg clutches.
The most common brooding posture Body coiling around the egg clutch occurred Six females 6. Egg predation by a ringneck snake was observed during the nesting season. Our results suggest that brooding postures may function as a predator defense mechanism and may also serve as an anti-microbial defense.
Matthew Niemiller. Alicia Mathis. Silvio marcos almeida. David Rogowski. Anna Metaxas. Hans-Georg Rupp. Since the discovery of mudskipper aerial embryonic incubation in , it has been unclear whether the adults help the newly hatched larvae leave the life endangering hypoxic water inside the burrow.