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Bookmark this page or copy and paste URL to Email message. He became interested in photography as a teenager after receiving a Voightlander 9-by centimeter folding camera as a gift. McLaughlin began his college career at Purdue University , where he studied safety engineering before transferring to Indiana University to pursue a double major in business administration and journalism. He left IU in to pursue a full-time career in photography. In , Herb McLaughlin founded Mercury Pictures in Hammond, Indiana and worked for several newspapers, war armament plants, private individuals, and insurance companies.
He sold his business and moved his family to Arizona in after a doctor advised him to move to the Southwest to treat his persistent hayfever and asthma. As part of this purchase, McLaughlin also acquired the McCulloch brothers' extensive negative collection. She graduated from Snow Junior College with a degree in elementary education in and married Marion Doval Jolley on July 24, Pleasant, Utah and had one son, Joseph Marion In , the family moved to Phoenix to treat the respiratory ailment that eventually killed Marion Jolley.
After her husband's death, Dot Jolley commuted to Utah from Phoenix to manage the turkey farm. She began her career as a photographer when a client asked for a picture of a child crying for use in a 4th of July safety advertisement. Dot McLaughlin took the camera to her sister's house, where she put a mild solution of vinegar and water in her niece's eye to make her cry.
The picture sold and Dot McLaughlin continued working as a photographer, eventually developing a specialty in photographing children. The need for more space, increased demand, and the desire to grant their employees a share of the profits prompted the couple to move their organization to W. Holly, to dissolve their partnership, and to incorporate as Arizona Photographic Associates in They began with 15 staff members, who Herb McLaughlin let go in so that he and Dot could put more time into the business and do everything themselves.