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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Burress, Central Baptist "Cecil F. Travis, Plaza Bldg. Alexandria, T. Skinner, La E. Broadway, Richard N. Finley Albert McClellan, W. Tinnin, Chairman, Sr. Alma Hunt,- No. Third St. Leo L. John C. Warren, S. Ashcraft, No. Challenge E. We thank God for your origin, organization, history, and accomplishments.
Perry F. United States to change "and" to "or" in Article Entertainment-Welcome: A. Penny, L. Gill, Harry N. Stamper, J. Vernon Wheelis, J. Auditorium: Stanley E. Music: Troy Campbell, C. Elmo Williams, Ira Powell, D. Publicity: William R. Estep, Mrs. Huddleston, Bill Durnal, Cecil E. Archer, Emit O. Barsh, E. Powley, Pressley Hand, W. Tanner, Dick Camp, J. Sloan, M. Oglesby, S. Perkins, R. Howell, Robbie E.
Child Care: Joe C. Sullivan, F. Perry, O. Taylor, W. Smith, Wayne Hebert, M. Check Room. Vermillen, P. Mass Meetings: R. Commander, Ray Mayfield, H. Hale, W. Lost and Found: D. Sloan, L. Pressley, M. Soileau, Frank Young, W. Black, H. Post Office: Lewis B. Quarles, Robert Flournoy, R. Hunt, Dick Klepper, N. Smith, Earl Cain. Pastors' Conference: James T. Draper, Paul Cullen, T. Lott, H. Special Groups: James Navarro, G. Valadez, B. Villareal, Travis Key, Mrs.
Phillips replied: "This Rock underlies all America, it only cropped out here. Remember Goliad! While they gathered he led in singing, "Am I a Soldier of the Cross? We "isolationists. New Testament epistles. The "hard-shells" split with us over this doctrine. Protestantism"; on the other is the "anything-ism" of non-denominationalism.