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The guidance for these scenarios came from OHEP. The lowest scenario was one in which the program was cut by 5 percent in FY relative to the FY enacted level and stayed flat, without inflation adjustments, through FY The middle scenario was one where we essentially stayed flat from FY through FY, without inflation adjustments.
In the top scenario we were encouraged to ask for what we need to accomplish an optimal program by adding selectively to a limited set of initiatives. At the end of the day we will live in only one scenario, possibly not even one that we presented. However, each of the three scenarios is important. Together they describe where we would make cuts if we had to cut and where we would add funding should this become possible.
These scenarios allow our program managers to propose and defend budgets for HEP in the context of the overall Office of Science. Articulating clearly the program in high energy physics has never been more important. That is not where we make our mark. At the same time the administration is supporting particle physics with a program that allows us to transition to new programs within a relatively flat budget profile.
The Secretary of Energy, in his testimony to the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology , made it clear that the funding for particle physics can increase when we start building new, large facilities that now do not fit within a flat budget profile. The scenarios we worked hard to understand could, of course, be thrown out the window if some of the present cuts proposed in Congress are applied. During the trip to Washington I spent a day visiting various Congressional offices.