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Asiatic clams, Corbicula spp. A review of the existing literature demonstrates that Asiatic clams can concentrate organic pollutants from both water and sediment and heavy metals from water.
In conjunction with these traits, they exhibit a high tolerance for the effects resulting from exposure to toxic substances. While an organism must possess these traits to serve as an effective biological monitor, they have also permitted the Asiatic clam to rapidly colonize natural and industrial environments resulting in purported ecological disturbances and severe economic repurcussions, respectively. Its invasive biofouling attributes therefore restrict the use of Asiatic clams for biomonitoring purposes from Corbicula -free drainage systems.
This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Rent this article via DeepDyve. Institutional subscriptions. Anderson, K. Anderson, R. Google Scholar. Bedford, J. Belanger, S. Water Works Ass. Booth, G. Quality 2 , — Britton, J. Golightly, C. Butler, P. Caldwell, R. Cantelmo-Cristini, A. South Carolina Press, Columbia, pp. Cassini, A. Favero, N.
Cherry, D. Claeys, R. Clarke, J. Counts, C. Czarnezki, J. Dare, P. Davis, J. Sea Res. Doherty, F. Elder, J. Farris, J. Fikes, M. Wildlife Management 36 , — Foe, C. Foster, R. Fritz, L. Fuller, L. Gabbott, P. Gardner, J. Geisy, J. Graney, R. Hagar, A. Hamm, P. Harrison, F. Hartley, D. Heit, M. Hemelraad, J. Hennig, H. Health Pers 65 , — Imlay, M. Johnston, J. Thomas, Springfield, pp.