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Verity L. Mathis, Mark S. Hafner, David J. Here we reevaluate relationships within this species, which, based on previous studies, is composed of 3 genetically divergent clades. Reanalysis of published allozyme data shows a pattern of isolation by distance consistent with the hypothesis of gene flow among the 3 T.
Species tree analyses of these clades reveal 4 divergent lineages 2 within the TMVB clade , which we recognize herein at the subspecies level. Cranial morphometries show a moderate level of morphological separation among these clades in multivariate space.
The present center of diversity of the T. A synonymy of T. El centro actual de diversidad del grupo de especies de T. Una sinonimia para T.
A subspecies can be viewed as either a unit of classification to describe geographical variation within a species or as an evolving lineage potentially on a trajectory toward speciation Lidicker Although these definitions are not mutually exclusive, systematists rarely publish explicit statements about their rationale for describing and naming subspecies.