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Contact: momama cox. Amanda Leigh is a passionate instructor who has always been intrigued by the mind-body connection. Growing up in Charlotte, North Carolina, Amanda was award winning theatrical actor, competitive cheerleader and classically trained dancer.
She spent every day moving and working on fitness. She began a new chapter in her life in when moving to Dallas, Texas. Shortly after the move she discovered the brilliance of the Pilates method. Upon certification under Club Pilates she began her career. Shortly there after she gained her second certification under the Tutelage of Rebecca Becker, creator and founder of the Pilates suspension method.
Amanda is currently working on her next certification with Pilates academy international and continues to perfect her practice within the Pilates world. She is so excited to share her journey and hopes that it will inspire others to stick with their goals and stay committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Contact: amandaberkowitz gmail. Joanna Kasprzyk has an Architectural background with which she has pursued a career in the Nuclear Industry for about 10 years.
Her move to Dubai 16 years ago helped her discover Pilates, which she has fell in love with straight away. She adapted her Pilates experience into every day activities. Seeing how it trasformed her posture, balance, mobility and strength, she was inspired to pursue it further. Contact: info pilatesclass. Lauren believes that Pilates truly is for everyone and is committed to presenting her clients with individualized, fun and challenging classes that are rooted in the Pilates principles.