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Spirited interviews with experts in the field of relationship couples therapists, researchers, writers, moms, dads, meditation teachers, doctors. This show also include real conversations with real people navigating the complexities and hilarities of sustaining long term relationships with romantic partners, business partners, children, parents, and all other forms of relating.
In this episode I talk with veteran business coach and entrepeneur Jed Bickford about his experience working with couples who are engaged in various types of business ventures and how he helps them maintain their connection in the midst of the various threats a business venture can impose on them. He's done the work himself as well! He and his partner Madison have launched a successful used clothing store in Boulder, CO while deepening their relationship.
Here's a bit about Jed: Jed McCabe Bickford is an entrepreneur, angel investor, and mentor to couples who are in business together. Jed is an interesting blend of business owner, advisor, and coach.
After spending years managing marketing, product development, and IT — and getting a deep training in business coaching — he left to focus on mentoring business owners. In this episode I talk with veteran couples therapist Jeff Pincus about the dangers of going into full blown threat response in the couple system and how to repair things when things get ugly.