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NOTE: Links are listed in alphabetical order by name of the group, not city or specific location. For best results, look through the entire list, especially as group names often include abbreviations or other methods obscuring their placement. Riga, Latvia. July , The first day of festival will bring various shibari performances. Educational seminars will be organized the second day of festival number of participants will be limited.
Seminars will allow attenders to acquire or improve the skills necessary for safe tying, as experiences riggers, having significant practical shibari experience, will deliver seminars. Latvia, Fetlife , verified May A group for those in, or connected to Latvia.
Posts should ideally be in English to allow the widest interaction in the group. Signing up for update emails via ChangeDetection. Welcome, folks. Get to know others of any fetish or kink and BDSM in this area. Singles, Couples, Poly or Open. No personal ads. Also for those who chase after us. Plans to have monthly impregnation parties as well as as parties for women and couples who want to enjoy BBC bareaback! Greenville based. Hopes to connect with the like-minded and help each other learn and grow.
Carolina Area Submissive Fellowship, FetLife , verified Mar Where anyone who identifies as a submissive whether male, female, trans, sub, slave, switch subbie hat on folks can come together to learn from each other and support each other. Carolina Barter and Fetcycle, FetLife , verified Mar To barter, trade or give their services or ignored items.