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This study uses a questionnaire using a Likert scale. In this study, researchers used respondents who were divided into small samples and large samples, evaluating reliability and validity to validate constructs and multiple linear regression to test hypotheses using SPSS version While partially Brand Loyalty has a significant positive effect.
For Brand Awareness, Brand Methodology - The type of this research is Causative research. The population on this research is all the consumer of Tokopedia in Padang who revisit Tokopedia website with the total sample is person which was taken by using purposive sampling due to unknown the number of population.
Finding - Regarding the causal model proposed, the data confirm the relationship set out in the hypothesis. It can therefore be stated that 1 E-Service Quality has a positive effect and significant to E-Satisfaction 2 E- Service Quality has a positive effect and significant This research was conducted on XYZ Souvenir consumers. The purpose of this research is to determine how much the contribution of the use of E-commerce and Service Quality affects customer satisfaction both partially and simultaneously on XYZ Souvenir.