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Log in to check out faster. Personalize your Chiller — find the words and image that make the Chiller truly yours. Join the Ceres Club and get free shipping! The patented Ceres Chill Chiller is rigorously lab-tested to provide longer and more reliable chilling than any other on-the-go breastmilk storage solution. Our Science page has all the details and even testing reports and charts for those who love to dig into data!
In support of busy families, we offer a Warmer-Chiller Duo so you can use one Chiller to chill your milk and one to warm it — making road trips, long walks, and life itself waaay easier! How-to instructions can be found in our product guide. Always have everything you need to keep your breastmilk chilled: Our Chiller relies only on a splash of water and a handful of ice cubes — things you can refresh easily when you need more chilling time. Verified purchaser Renee, who loves science as much as we do, independently documented how well this works.
Pumping directly into your storage container greatly reduces the risk of spilling or contaminating your precious milk.
And the Chiller parts are designed to support double-pumping with no extra bottles. Our Chiller can be used for hot and cold beverages long after your breastfeeding journey is complete.