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Register Sign in. Zak Brown warns that Monaco cannot take its place on the F1 calendar for granted, and unsurprisingly its money that's the problem. When F1 revealed the proposed regulations for last week, the teams were all too eager to take to social media to praise the move, telling the world how good it was all going to be.
Just 48 hours later the drivers and team representatives were picking the regulations to pieces, warning of all number of dire consequences should they be imposed as is. With F1's owners exploiting every possible avenue in order to increase what are already record revenues, the teams are fully on board, and as Liberty CEO, Greg Maffei so succinctly put it recently, the approach is entirely different to the previous management.
Indeed, it's much like Aesop's fable about the North Wind and the Sun, who argue over which is the stronger. Spotting a man walking, they wager over who can force him to remove his coat. The North Wind blows with all his might, however the man simply pulls his coat tighter, whereas when the sun merely shines the man gently removes the garment.
Though wondering if anyone has ever compared Mr E to the North Wind before, the fact is that with the promise of lots and lots of dosh, and lots and lots of susceptible new fans to whom the teams can sell all end of expensive rubbish, Liberty has them mesmerised and almost every single conversation comes down to money and how much more of it they can make. Indeed, unless the Principality shells out more moolah, Brown believes that sport could "bail on" the historic venue.