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Discussion in ' NW Europe ' started by stolpi , Dec 2, Log in or Sign up. At the time these pictures were put into a thread on this forum, but unfortunately most of them were lost in April of owing to a site upgrade. This thread is a re make of the old one. In Operation Veritable the 15th Scottish Division, as part of 30 Corps, pushed along the northern reaches of the Reichswald, through a narrow corridor of gently rolling arable land, confined on one side by the thickly wooded hills of the Reichswald Forest and on the other by the wet polder lands.
It was hoped for that the Scottish Division would attain a quick break-in of the enemy lines and capture the key high ground at Cleve - called Materborn Ridge by the British. From Materborn 30 Corps reserves, the 43rd Wessex and Guards Armoured Division, would break out into the open rolling farmland beyond the Reichswald. The operation of 15 Scottish Division was divided in five phases. Upon securing Cleve the division was 5 to strike with mobile columns to the east and southeast towards Calcar and Uedem and the Rhine ferry at Emmerich.
These columns were to be preceded by the recce cars of the 15th Scottish Recce and the attached 2nd Household Cavalry, the recce regt of the Guards Armoured Division. But that was before the thaw set in. By the start of February the weather turned warm and rainy which did not augur well for mechanized operations. The snow that had covered much of the battlefield, disappeared within a few days and the firm frozen ground transformed into thick clinging mud, making it hard for vehicles to move across country, even for tracked ones.
On top of that the enemy breached the banks of the Rhine setting large tracts of land under water. Thereby depriving Op Veritable of any chance of a swift success.