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Home » Subcommittees » Selecting a Subcommittee. CHI anticipates more than 3, Papers submissions. The review process needs to handle this load while also providing high-quality reviews, which requires that each submission is handled by an expert Associate Chair AC who can recruit expert reviewers.
The organization of the CHI program committee into topical subcommittees helps achieve this. See the description of the Papers review process for a detailed explanation of the responsibilities of the ACs and Subcommittee Chairs SCs. Authors should examine what constitutes a contribution to CHI and recognize that there are many different types of contribution possible for a CHI paper.
Once abstracts are submitted, individual subcommittees may grow or shrink based on the number of probable papers for that subcommittee. As in previous years, the paper chairs will be undertaking a survey to detail the diversity for each subcommittee. Authors are required to suggest a subcommittee to review your submission.
This page provides guidance on choosing the appropriate subcommittees for your submission. When you submit a Paper, you can designate up to two appropriate subcommittees for your submission and we recommend that you indicate two. In the vast majority of cases, the subcommittee that will review your submission is one of the two subcommittees that you proposed. If a submission is transferred to another subcommittee, this will happen in the first week of the process, before reviewers are assigned; i.