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As a rule, you must be 18 or over before you can exercise responsibility for a child. In other words, you must be legally an adult. But if you are a mother aged 16 or 17, you can ask the court to declare you an adult so that you can get responsibility for your child.
If you are pregnant at the age of 16 or 17, you can get responsibility for your child by marrying or entering into a registered partnership. The court will declare you an adult if it believes that this would be in the interests of you and your child. You will need a lawyer advocaat for this procedure. To do so you will need the consent of your parents or guardian voogd. If they do not give their consent, you can ask the court for permission. You will also need a certificate from your doctor to prove that you are pregnant.
If you are a mother under 18 and if the father of your child is also under 18 or does not want parental responsibility, then responsibility for the child must be given to someone else — a guardian voogd. This will happen if:. If you are a mother who has reached the age of 18, you are legally an adult and will automatically get responsibility for your child.
This applies unless responsibility has already been assigned to the father or a guardian voogd. In that case, you can ask the court to give you responsibility for your child. A father who is under 18 cannot be declared an adult by a court. If the father is 16 or 17, he can acknowledge the child. This makes him officially the father. A father who is 18 or over and has acknowledged his child can ask the court to give him responsibility. Search within English part of Government. As a minor, how can I get responsibility for my child?