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By Jean Kennedy. Topic: Private Schools. Some of the parents involved with the letter are "old boys" of Newington College. A group of parents from Sydney's Newington College has threatened legal action over a decision by the school to turn co-educational.
The private boys' school in Sydney's inner west last week announced plans to introduce girls from , and become fully co-ed by It sparked immediate opposition from some, with an online petition launched calling for a reversal of the decision. Now some parents, including some "old boys" of the college, who have students at the school and "parents have concerns as to the announcement" have enlisted commercial law firm Brown Wright Stein to try to fight the move.
A letter written by the lawyers to the chairman of the Council of Newington College, and obtained by the ABC, challenges the college's legal right of the school to enrol girls based on its "general objects" which date back to when it was established in It argues the school's council as the trustee of a charitable trust does not have the power to change the original purpose for establishing Newington College, which it says "was to educate boys and young men".
Newington College announced it plans on being fully co-ed by LinkedIn: Newington College. It also questions whether the move to become co-ed breaches the terms of the trust. The letter says that the college website shows "it is clear that the college was conceived as It says the school also the college received funding from government sources and made representations to the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission as an institution educating boys and "males students".