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Did you know that Amsterdam has a Blue Light District? This mysterious and lesser-known area of the city is full of surprises and unique facts that even locals may not be aware of. From its history to its modern-day significance, get ready to discover a whole new side of Amsterdam. Window brothels on the Oudezijds Achterburgwal. The Blue Light District in Amsterdam is where transgender sex workers practice their trade in sex rooms.
It mainly concerns people who have not had an operation to remove their male genitalia. This prostitution area in Amsterdam is called the Blue Light District because the sex workers usually use blue lights instead of red lights to illuminate their sex rooms.
The blue-lit windows with transgender sex workers are mainly visited by male customers. These windows can be found, for example, on Bloedstraat, on the corner of Oudezijds Achterburgwal. What is good to know is that not all transgender sex workers use blue lights to offer their services.
Moreover, it is also not a requirement to do so. Female window prostitute also work in this district. This is the street with most red light windows and sex shows like Moulin Rouge. The transgender sex workers in the Blue Light District are particularly concerned about their privacy and very wary of tourists who — despite all warnings — still want to take pictures. The stigma, their status and their secret double life are often the reasons for this.