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Sex, love, intimacy, being single, relationships, diversity, sexual orientation, masturbation, gender, pornography, sexting, and much more. These are topics that are a part of most of our lives, yet we do not talk about them as much as other day-to-day activities. In our podcast Sex, Love, Corona, Marieke Dewitte sexologist at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience takes the time to talk to student guests about their experiences and how the current corona pandemic impacts sexual relationships and sexual development.
And all the while, Marieke enriches these stories with the things she has learned as a sex researcher at Maastricht University. This week, we take another look at diversity. This time diversity in sexual orientation. Where does this acronym come from? What kind of stereotypes, myths and preconceptions are there still about sexual orientation? Male and female, these categorisations are considered the norm in our society.
Cisgender, Transgender, non-binary, queer, these are terms that conjure up a lot of questions. With cultural diversity comes sexual diversity. Marieke sits down with Avery, Rana and Honya to talk about how sexuality is viewed, discussed and treated in their culture. We also look at the prejudices that people have about the attitude of different cultures and religions towards sex. This week Marieke talks about sexual problems. What happens when things go wrong.
Many more people experience sexual problems than seek help for them. It is still a taboo and there is a lot of shame involved. We dive into the type of problems that often occur and how to deal with them.