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Home » Dossiers » Internationalisering » Because Nijmegen is safe, even after dark. This is a record number for Radboud University. What do these South American students hope to find here? Prefer to read this article in Dutch?
The city was blanketed in white when Marina Mayor, 23, arrived in her heavy winter coat. With a map in hand, she set out to find the offices of student housing association SSHN to pick up the key to her warm new room. She soon found herself farther and farther away from the civilised world. Feeling desperate, she approached a man who was getting into a car in front of his house.
Her breath made little white clouds in the frosty air when she asked him if he knew the way to the SSHN building. But this time she agreed when the driver opened the door and offered to drive her there. Grateful, she got in. A few minutes later she found herself in front of the SSHN offices. Clutching the precious key to her room in her numb hands, she took a taxi to the Hoogeveldt complex. Mayor is just one of the dozens of Brazilians who left their homeland of Brazil to come to Nijmegen in the past three years.
This year, Radboud University set a new record when it welcomed sixty Brazilian students. We meet in a busy restaurant in the bustling metropolis. Mayor gestures out the window to the pavement outside. I study medicine and always dreamed of going abroad. I also have more time for self-study. At home, in Salvador, I often had classes all day.