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Show Threads Show Posts. Go to Page Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. View detailed profile Advanced or search site with Search Forums Advanced. I have lived for a year in Gelderland Ede area and now I live in Noord-Brabant since more than a year. I have travelled lots of times to Gelderland since moving here. Every time I go in Ede and Wageningen in Gelderland I see that the average females on the streets, on buses, etc.
Same for the near towns in the Utrecht province like Veenendaal. On the other hand, I have noticed that in Eindhoven, Tilburg, Breda, etc. I remember coming to the Netherlands from the Eindhoven airport I was like overwhelmed with attractive females on trains and around Eindhoven.
Mind you, they say there are no ugly females, but it seems that girls in Noord-Braband spend more time caring for their skin, wear in general more make up dress sexier, while their fellow Gelderlandse 'sisters' couldn't care less if they look like a trash can lady lol.
But even the no-makeup wearing girls in Tilburg, Breda and Eindhoven seem to have more attractive features than those back in Ede et al. I mention mostly females as I haven't noticed any difference in males, but I am also attracted to females so I mostly notice them. On the other hand, people in Gelderland and the Veenedaal area tend to be more likely to strike up a conversation and over there the majority of people say "Goodbye" to the bus driver when they exit the bus, something which is rare in the Noord-Brabant area where I live but that might be due to the fact that I live in a bigger city now where people mind their business, not sure.