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To browse Academia. Huibert van Beek. Jocelyne Robert. Erika Smith. The Person and the Challenges. Massimo Manca. Fai Ebenezer. She is expected to be a spiritual rescue center, socially or economically, as the case may be. The church in Anglophone Cameroon currently finds herself amid an ongoing socio-political quagmire. Several challenges come with such a situation. In the specific case of the Anglophone Cameroon, there has been substantial infrastructural loss, a death toll on the increase, and hunger-stricken people in the society, in general, and the pews, in particular.
Many hungry parishioners in the local church pews of Anglophone Cameroon have motivated this paper. The writer has attempted to discuss an overview of ecclesiology, which is the study of the Church, analyzed the history of the Anglophone crisis in Cameroon, and presented an overview of hunger. There are undoubtedly several types of hunger, but the one discussed in the paper is hunger for food.
The biblical position on the hunger-stricken has been dealt with in the Old Testament, where the Israelites were not to harvest all crops from their farms. In the New Testament, Jesus fed the hungry. The ecclesiological response to the millions who are hunger-stricken in local churches is that the church should feed them, through their pastor, counsel those starving, and teach Christian traders about stewardship so they do not overcharge for basic food prices.
The critical analytical method is employed in this paper. Keywords: ecclesiological, response, hunger-stricken, Anglophone Cameroon, local churches. Matteo Calisi. Zehra Dagli. Aleidine Moeller. Marion Troia. Warren Zev Harvey. Youssef Hamida. Isaac Slater. Aprilia Setyowati. Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes Arkheologiya Evraziyskikh stepey.