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Posted 12 years ago on Oct. This is an emergency situation. Please take a minute to read this, and please take action and spread the word far and wide. Occupy Wall Street is gaining momentum, with occupation actions now happening in cities across the world.
NYPD Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has said that they will move in to clear us and we will not be allowed to take sleeping bags, tarps, personal items or gear back into the park. For those of you who plan to help us hold our ground—which we hope will be all of you—make sure you understand the possible consequences. Be prepared to not get much sleep. Be prepared for possible arrest. Make sure your items are together and ready to go or already out of the park.
We are pursuing all possible strategies; this is a message of solidarity. Click here to learn nonviolent tactics for holding ground. Occupy Wall Street is committed to keeping the park clean and safe—we even have a Sanitation Working Group whose purpose this is. We are organizing major cleaning operations today and will do so regularly.
If Bloomberg truly cares about sanitation here he should support the installation of portopans and dumpsters. OWS allies have been working to secure these things to support our efforts. This is an occupation, not a permitted picnic. Btw, Bloomberg is getting more and more pissed at you guys, and that can only mean one thing: Youre doing the right thing : Keep it up and fight billionaire Bloomberg and the rest of the crooks with all you got, and prepare for october 15!