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London, Paris and Auckland are the top three most lustful cities in the world for women, a new study shows. Adult entertainment app Lazeeva conducted a survey of more than , people, with participants aged between 18 and Researchers also studied data regarding contraception and gender equality from a number of organisations, including the UN, in order to come up with the regions in the world with the most sexually active women.
For women to have good sex, it was determined that they must be sexually satisfied, have access to sex toys, have easy access to contraception and to live in a society with high levels of gender equality. This research formed part of a larger study, the world's most sexual cities, in which 10 factors in total were researched. Every city in this ranking has been selected for their high standards of living for women.
At Lazeeva, we know the importance of a healthy, active and safe sex life for women, and living in an environment where an understanding, knowledge and respect of female sexuality is essential for this. More: The cities around the world that enjoy the most sex, mapped. More: 10 things you should never, ever do during sex. Join the news democracy Where your votes decide the Top Register Log in. Newsletter sign up. Viral These are the cities where women are having the most sex.
Indy Staff Jun 16, Man and woman in bed together. The press release reads: For women to have good sex, it was determined that they must be sexually satisfied, have access to sex toys, have easy access to contraception and to live in a society with high levels of gender equality. Here are the top 50 most sexual cities in the world for women: 1. London UK 2. Paris, France 3. Auckland, New Zealand 4. Los Angeles, USA 5. Chicago, USA 6. Austin, USA 7. Brussels, Belgium 8. Basel, Switzerland 9.