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This particular game stood out because of the amazing terrain and figures. To my eye, this was a convention-grade game, but played in a garage! I never recorded the date this game as played, but it would be a good decade or two ago now. Before the storm. The lines of redcoats form up around the farmstead, whilst a redoubt has been rapidly thrown up on their right. They steadfastly await the Americans advancing from out of the woods in front of them.
Myself and two other New Zealand wargamers, Paul Crouch and Steve Sands, had recently bought a copy of the British Grenadier rules, and we were determined to try them out. One Sunday afternoon the three of us finally managed to get some time off together, and this is the game that ensued. British redoubt. The scenario calls for them to enter by a road on the left of the American position. The American advance in the centre. Meanwhile, General Benedict Arnold and his aide can be seen in this photo, directing the commencement of the assault on the British line.
Unfortunately, another double six means that Arnold is lightly wounded, and so has to temporarily leave the table. You can also see the amazingly realistic ground-cloth that Paul inherited from the late Jim Shaw.
Thrown over a piece of carpet underlay, which in turn is draped over strategically placed objects, it gives a realistic rolling ground effect. The British line awaits the onslaught. After moving their line back slightly to form a better defensive position around the farm, the British lines stolidly await the American attack, with some loyalists skirmishing to their front. All the figures used in this game belonged to Paul. The exquisite flags were mainly by GMB Design.