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In a moment, we had done it. We were standing inside the hallowed halls of The Mission. Which would later become The Vatican. Which would later become Monkey Bar. Which would then become a rehearsal space for the Dunedin Symphony Orchestra. Nobody bothered straying toward the Octagon, because that was where older people drank.
Besides, why bother going all that way when you had seven student pubs within a 1km radius? Home of the Cook-A-Thon est. The Outback later known as Urban Factory, now an empty building was for those who loved shots and dancing — the real Jersey Shore of the scene, if you will. A designated Shot Shack was set up away from the bar, so that you could line up for shots only, which were given to you in a plastic shot glass on a necklace.
The Outback served the Backdraft shot, which involved toking up alcohol fumes and sucking black sambuca and chartreuse up through a straw. The Outback strongly backed getting wet and naked, throwing a massive foam party every O-Week the origin of the first fresher flu epidemic , and selling 50 cent shots to people participating in International Nude Day. Possibly one of the most epic student pubs, enjoying many controversial promotions including but not limited to :.
The University bought the Bowler and turned it into some really fucking exciting offices. Thanks for nothing. There was no ventilation in Two Bears, so perhaps the free booze was to distract people from the condensation on the walls.